This website is an algorithmic scale generator designed for musicians and teachers.
Click on a button or part of the site to see a description of what it does!
Scale Verification Report
No respell possible!
There are no enharmonic respellings of this start note or tonic without resorting to double sharps or flats, so the enharmonic respell has been cancelled.
Placeholder - Replaced by whatchanged.js
Tuning and Temperament settings for playback
A4 Frequency:
Derive from:
Twelve tone equal temperament is the most common method of deriving the frequency of notes in modern Western music. The octave is divided into 12 notes equally spaced out using a logarithmic scale. The ratio between adjacent notes (a semitone) is the 12th root of 2. In this system, octaves follow a ratio of 2:1, but no other intervals match up with the simpler ratios used in just intonation. This means that technically everthing is 'a little out of tune', but it allows all keys to be equally 'okay' sounding, at the expense of the 'purer' just intervals which use simpler ratios. In 12 tone equal temperament, notes with alternate spellings (for example B♭ and A♯) are enharmonic equivalents, and have the same frequency.
Ledger Line Cutoff Settings
Select Mode:
Welcome! is a free resource maintained by Kieran Burling. Built from scratch in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the site is hosted at home on a raspberry pi computer the size of a credit card. All the notation is rendered by VexFlow, an open-source music notation rendering API. Click here for the changelog if you'd like to find out about recent updates and added features. You can also control the site using keyboard shortcuts. Click here to find out about them.
This website uses an algorithmic process, which means it doesn't have a library of pre-written scales like a book would; it generates what you want on the fly. That's why it can show you all sorts of silly things that would be impractical to include in a book, like any enharmonic spelling of a scale. It's also very expandable: all it needs to learn a new scale is a chromatic recipe, and from that it will draw it starting on any note, with any number of octaves, in any clef, formatted in any instrument range it knows.
I would like to make as good a community resource as possible. If you've tried the site and spot a bug, have any ideas about how I can make it better, or there's a feature you would like added, let me know and I'll implement if I can. Also, if you play an instrument that's not yet supported and want to help add it, I'd love to hear from you.
Fingering patterns are the only thing that can't be generated automatically. I'm slowly adding options for the violin, but need help expanding to other instruments. If you would like to contribute fingering patterns then please get in contact!
Thanks to everyone who's contributed their time and energy to this project so far: Jessica Chiba for design help and creating the site's custom unicode accidentals font, Sam Matthews for Apple device testing, and the musicians and friends who have provided valuable feedback and stimulating discussion: Will Howarth, Billy Brown, Sian Barnes, Douglas Finch, Caspar Green, Anna Cashell, Dean Brodrick, Becky Windram, Yvette Madden, Matt Constantine, Hazel Davies.
This site works best in landscape, so turn your device sideways if you're on a mobile phone or tablet, then click the button to go full screen once the page loads!
Welcome to!
This website is an algorithmic scale generator designed for musicians and teachers.
Click/tap a key on the piano or use your MIDI or computer keyboard to select a note. Use the help_outline button to enter help mode and learn how to use the site! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License.